Warm Up Before Class StartsSo we all know the point of a warm up- to prepare your body for exercise, or in this case, Irish Dance Class. But where many go wrong, is they don't do a warm up appropriate to the activity they will be undertaking.
Irish Dancers are a prime example! It's all too common to see dancers walk into class, sit down and do a couple of stretches, maybe do a little jumping/ jogging around, then go into dancing full pelt. (Is this you? If not then well done!) What they're missing is the opportunity to make their muscles and joints as receptive to the coming exercise as possible. The first step to this is to mobilise your joints so your tendons are warmed and lengthened, and the fascia in your muscles are broken down. These exercise will also ready your muscles for contracting and relaxing. The next thing to do would be to raise your heart rate, and as a result get your blood pumping faster and more to your muscles rather than your organs. This will increase oxygen delivery, and well as make your muscles and tendons more 'malleable'. It will also strengthen your 'mind to muscle' connection, and the efficiency with which your muscles are working. Below are Ideal Warm Up Exercises for Irish Dancers!
Now for the pulse raiser. Do each exercise below for 60 seconds!
Deep SquatsT-PressReverse Lunge and ReachMountain ClimberLeg Swings |