Western region Oireachtas Information. Room Blocks Open July 29th!
HOTELS: Blocks open Wednesday, July 29th Booking link to come. Hilton Salt Lake City Center 255 South West Temple, SLC 84101 $139/night Radisson Hotel Salt Lake City Downtown 215 W South Temple, SLC 84101 $139/night Most of our dancers have a month or less left of school. Yay, right? Summer fun, family trips and happy times! While some dance schools take a summer break, others don't. Here are some tips, also from Open Champion Dancer Cara Sutherland, on how to keep focused and on track for your Irish Dance Goals during the summer. A must read!
https://www.diddlyi.com/2014/07/irish-dancing-vacation/ Team McBride: We have a dance family in our school who is affected by HHT, a genetic disease that affects over 1 Million people worldwide. The family has a team running in the Bay to Breakers this Sunday to raise awareness and donations to help find a cure. If you would like to donate, please following the below link to their donation page. Any amount is appreciated. Thank you!
http://2015baytobreakersrace.causevox.com/ For more information about HHT, please see their official website: www.curehtt.org Check out our updated Feis Calendar, which is located in the "Links" section of our website. I think we have listed all the Feisanna for the Western Region between now and the end of the year, as well as information and links for the 2015 NAIDC and the Western Region Oireachtas. If we any local or regional Feis, please let us know so we can add it. Click on "Feis Calendar" to be taken to that page.
And Speaking of Feising, Here Is Some Good Advice for First Time Feis Parents From Feis 101!5/2/2015
Here is a good article for First Time Feis Parents. While it is written by someone not in our region (they use efeis and Feisweb for registration - where we use Feis info and Feisworx) - for the most part it has a lot of really good information! Highly recommend! And as always, ask us. We are always happy to help!!
https://feis101.wordpress.com/feis-101-for-new-parents/ The McBride School is Proud to Host the 33rd Annual East Bay Feis on October 31 - November 1, 2015 at the San Ramon Marriott and Conference Center! (1/2 hour drive from the Oakland Airport). TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: All Prelim and Open Championships/Championship specials on SATURDAY. All Grades, Grade Specials, Teams (Beginner and Open) and Adult Competitions on SUNDAY. Come Celebrate Halloween with us and get another Feis In before your Oireachtas! For more information, please visit our website, www.eastbayfeis.com, Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: East Bay Feis! Hope to see you there! #eastbayfeis
McBride School of