Entries for the East Bay Feis are now open at Feis Productions. We look forward to seeing everyone at the Feis, October 4 & 5, 2014 at the San Ramon Marriott, 2600 Bishop Drive, San Ramon.
News and information regarding the 2014 East Bay Feis is being posted as it becomes available at the recently redesigned East Bay Feis website. Please visit the website at www.eastbayfeis.com to get all the news and updates, past results, etc. We look forward to seeing you the weekend of October 4 & 5, 2014 at the San Ramon Marriott. A room reservation Link will be uploaded shortly. ![]() We would like to thank all our Team McBride dancers who came out to dance for the HHT (Hereditary Hemmorrhagic Telangiectasia) Foundation at the HHT National Patient and Family Conference and Fundraiser in San Jose last Saturday, July 19 Your dancing put so many smiles on the faces of those afflicted with this disease, as well as their families and the doctors and researchers working on their behalf. The standing ovation you received was very much deserved, and we could not be more proud of you. THANK YOU! We would also like to thank Angela and Katelyn Brown for inviting us to share the evening with them! And last, but never least, we would like to also say THANK YOU to all our Parents who let us take their dancers to the HHT Foundation performance, as well as to those who drove the dancers and provided drinks and snacks. You know who you are! We could not do what we do without YOU!!! (PS thanks to Makenzie and Ellie for the picture from the event - we love the fact that Annie photo bombed without knowing!) And on the flipside, here is another article by Cara Sutherland from the Diddlyi blog about what to think about when it is time to sell your old solo dress.
http://www.diddlyi.com/2014/06/sellers-guide-irish-dance-dresses/ Here is a great blog article written by Cara Sutherland and found on Diddlyi.com. It gives you some things to think about and good tips when it is time to get that new (or used) solo dress. We also suggest that you speak with Eileen Parker, TCRG, who is great with suggesting colors and designs for her dancers.
http://www.diddlyi.com/2014/07/buyers-guide-irish-dance-dresses/ Here is Part 2 to the Article "Smart Turnout: Part 2 – Avoiding Compensations" by Claire Plummer, P.T., TCRG. The series is a great read!
http://www.diddlyi.com/2014/07/smart-turnout-part-2-avoiding-compensations/ If you missed the fittings with Mags Gogarty and Realta Rince for the new grade level school/team dress, please contact us and we will put you in touch with her to schedule your appointment for measurements and fittings. Keep in mind there are two costumes: Grade Level School/Team dress and Open Team Dress. Email us at [email protected] to get all the pertinent information to order.
Another great blog from iDiddlyi about Team Dancing. With the Oireachtas season forthcoming, if you want to be on a team, this is a good read with great ceili dancing tips!
http://www.diddlyi.com/2014/07/ceili-dancing-tips/ iDiddlyi comes through again with another great article for Irish Dancers! Read below about how breakfast is a MUST before Competition or Dance Class.
http://www.diddlyi.com/2014/07/breakfast-irish-dance-champion/ The Syllabus for the 2014 East Bay Feis has been sent to Feis Productions, and registration should open shortly. Please visit our Feis Website for more information. The syllabus can also be downloaded by clicking HERE to take you to the East Bay Feis page of this website.
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